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Destination Wedding Bridesmaids’ Gifts

19 Aug

In late October, F and I will be traveling to Sayulita Mexico to decide if we want to get married there. I already know that yes, I do want to get married there. Click here for visual evidence. I have been doing a ton of web-trawling in the name of research, and have picked out my invitations, flower girl dresses, and the hairdo I want. Hopefully F will like them, but that’s another matter not for this post. I have scheduled two CA wedding venue appointments for us to look at, but my heart is already promised to Sayulita.

Today I discovered the most adorable bridesmaid gifts! These do not only apply to me, but to brides who are tying the knot in Laguna Beach, South Beach, or the Hamptons. Stila Cosmetics is unveiling a line, (one by one) of really affordable  and completely wearable palettes: The Stila Girl Beach Palettes, named after these destinations. The Sayulita one is the first one to come out, and hello— bridemaids gifts! I haven’t picked my bridesmaids but that doesn’t exactly concern me… who wouldn’t love this?

Le Chien De Ma Vie

19 Aug

People who know me  know I’m obsessed with dogs. I take pride in walking down the street and admiring different breeds (the casual remark “Oh, what an adorable Coton De Tulear” never fails to impress the owner, and whoever I’m with– less impressive is when I start cooing and talking baby talk to it) and have read my puppy training book from cover to cover. I am not getting a dog until my beau and I live in a roomy + yard + fence type of place, and when I know we could really focus a lot of time and energy on the dog. He or she will deserve that. On this blog I will most likely post one dog related post every 2 weeks, because A) They’re cute, and B) They make me happy.

My dream dog for the past year or more has been the Brussels Griffon, pictured here in all its Griffon-ness. (photo courtesy of The name I’ve picked out for such a dashing young man is Archie (Archibald Craven Quimby III): I dare you to not Google Image “Brussels Griffon,” look at the photos, and not start laughing at their hilarious little ewok faces. Second dare: Rent “As Good As It Gets” and try to not fall in love with Verdell, the charming little Griffon who steals entire scenes in the film (and is featured on the movie poster with Jack Nicholson).  A website that I often frequent, and pine away in front of, is the National Brussels Griffon Rescue.

When F begins his job in 2012, the one that will have him working from 7:30AM-7:30PM, he has promised that we can get a dog to keep me company. F grew up with a Lady-doppelganger cocker spaniel named Brandy.  He still thinks that a cocker spaniel is in the running, but he doesn’t know that my heart belongs to the Griff. Look at that face…

brussels griffon

Brand New Life

17 Aug

Hello! Well, I’ve let this blog lie dormant for over 100 days,and it’s time to revive it, as there is an overdose of newness going on in my life. I am now:

  • Engaged! Yes, it happened on July 2, 2011 and we did take photos on that day at the house with the hydrangeas, featured in the photo in my first post.
  • Moving to L.A. from NJ in 3 days! THREE DAYS!!! I’m like a child who is counting down the days to their spectacular birthday party. Though this is way better than a party. I will finally be living with my beau, in the same place. Wow, what a concept! (For tips on sustaining a great long-distance relationship, please message me ;-))
  • I have no job: which is scary, as I imagine myself having to go to a free clinic, not being able to get an occasional manicure or being able to buy organic food, and not being able to pay rent … yes, all in this economy. I quit my job several months ago, and have a good chunk of savings, but I am job hunting while my beau is still in grad school (1 more year to go). Someone’s gotta bring home the proverbial bacon, but he knows that when he graduates and is working, it’s my turn to pursue some dreams. I am the least techy person around — well okay, maybe my father, who has an AOL account and types with 2 fingers, is the least techy person around– but I want to learn how to make all paper goods that any bride and groom would need for their wedding. More on this as we go.

So, a new apartment means new things, shopping, throw pillows… ! Well, it did, when I had a rolling income! Le Sigh. I tell myself there are more important things in life, but admittedly I have been admiring Target’s Fall Home collection, that I previewed on Casa Sugar.  I am coveting  the Target Home Velvet Floral Pillow in cream. I can easily envision these pillows used in wedding reception “lounge,” as well as the clever use of the Target Home Ampersand on the gift table.

Welcome to Ella & Jack!

1 Nov

Hello! I’ve barely got a clue how to use this site, but I’m giving it a go! I’m launching Ella & Jack as a place where I can showcase things that inspire me in the world of wedding and design, and hopefully, you’ll enjoy what I post.

I’m obsessed with fonts, stationary, weddings and all of their trappings. Recently I’m inspired by Masterpiece Mystery! on PBS– particularly the dramatic landscapes of Wallander. I plan on fitting in my blog postings between my demanding full time job and everything else that composes many of our busy lives 🙂

Though I am not planning my own wedding, I adore all things wedding (except the anxiety, and ill-fitting bridesmaid dresses!). I have helped “consult” on several of my friend’s weddings, but when I think of everything (the legion of details I want to go into my own wedding, in my multiple scenarios) I get anxiety… so… I’m thinking I’ll need extra cash for a wedding planner. Better start saving!

This photo equals romance for me: one of my favorite flowers in rich, full bloom summer colors– lying in the grass– the white blouse. It was taken in a home where I dream of having my engagement party, whenever that happens!